Sunday, January 15, 2012

Export / Import Exercise (20) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (19) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (18) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (17) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (16) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (15) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (14) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (13) --Moid

Click here from document.


Export / Import Exercise (12) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (11) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (10) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (9) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (7) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (8) [Linux script to take a daily Oracle export of a schema] --Moid

Export / Import Exercise (6) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (5) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (4) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (3) --Moid

Click here for the document.

--Moid Muhammad

Export / Import Exercise (2) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise (1) --Moid

Click here for the document.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to find Oracle RAC Cluster name? --Moid

Depending on how you set up environment for CRS home in Linux, one of the following can be used to find the cluster name of you RAC environment.

$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/cemutlo -n
$CRS_HOME/bin/cemutlo -n


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 10 (How to send datapump exports to multiple mount points?)

Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 9

Click here for the document.


Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 8

Click here for the document.


Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 7

Click here for the document.


Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 11

Click here for the document.


Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 5

Click here for the document.


Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 6

Click here for the document.


Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 4

Click here for the document.


Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 3

Click here for the document.


Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 2

Click here for the document.


Oracle Data Pump Exercise # 1

Click here for the document.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Export / Import Exercise-10

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise-9

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise-8

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise-7

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise-6

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise-5

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise-4

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise-3

Click here for the document.


Export / Import Exercise-1 - [How to export database and import one schema into different database?]

Export / Import - Exercise-2 [How to refresh tables?] --Moid

Saturday, October 8, 2011

MIITDocID-8734: How to SQL Trace other sessions in Oracle? --Moid

MoidIITDocID-533: My queries on Oracle Wait events --Moid

Homework (Week-20) RMAN Restore and Recovery of Oracle Databases

Batch Specific Notes:

Batch-30: Sunday 10/18/15: Class Notes on RMAN settings and Management.
Batch-30: Saturday 10/24/15: Class Notes on RMAN restore

RMAN Tasks:

Create database using scripts -- Class Notes-1

Setting up RMAN Backup Configuration -- Class notes-2

My notes on RMAN -- Class Notes-3

Testing of Redo Logs generation -- Class Notes-4

RMAN Command Line Reference Guide -- Class Notes-5

How to restore db on a remote server? (Chicago to NY) -- Class Notes-6

How to restore db on a remote server? (NY to Chicago) -- Class Notes-6

How to restore db on remote server (Chicago to TN) --Class Notes-6

RMAN Scenario-16 | How to restore Oracle database? --Moid

RMAN: Scenario-17: How to restore Oracle tablespace? --Moid

RMAN: Scenario-18: How to restore Oracle datafile? --Moid

RMAN: Scenario-19: How to perform point in time recovery? --Moid

RMAN: Scenario-20: How to perform TABLESPACE point in time recovery? --Moid

Task: How to rename and/or move datafiles (ALL Datafiles) to a new directory? --Moid

Week-20 | RMAN Homework | Part-1 --Moid

Batch Specific Class Notes:

Batch-26: RMAN | Saturday and Sunday class notes | June 2014

Homework (Week-19) | Redo Logs | Archive Logs | Oracle Cold and Hot Backup Strategy

Class work: In Class Notes

Class work: How to perform Consistent (COLD) User Managed Backup and recover the database on a different host?

Class Work: My queries on Redo and Archive Logs --Moid

Homework: Change redo log size --Moid

Homework: Change redo log location --Moid

Homework: Change the datafile location --Moid

Homework: Perform a User Managed Hot Backup --Moid

Homework: Perform a User Managed Restore from a hot Backup --Moid

Homework: One of the control file is lost. Restore it and open database --Moid

Homework: All controlfiles are lost. Re-create them. --Moid

How to enable archivelog mode? --Moid

How to Disable archivelog mode? --Moid

How to recover database when a redo log is accidentally dropped? --Moid


Homework (Week-17) | Oracle Memory Architecture | SGA and PGA --Moid

Homework (Week-18) [Export Import and Data Pump] --Moid

Batch Related Notes:

  1. Batch-32: Class work on Export Import | 05/14/16
  2. Batch-32: Class work on Export Import | 05/15/16

Export / Import:

  1. Click here for Export Import Notes-1
  2. Click here for Export Import Notes-2
  3. My notes on Oracle Export - Examples --Moid
  4. My notes on Oracle Import - Examples --Moid
  5. How to export (using Data Pump) a schema using parfile? --Moid
  6. Click here for Export Homework.
  7. Click here for Import Homework.

Data Pump:

  1. Click here for Class notes on Data Pump - 12/29/13
  2. My notes on Data Pump
  3. Click here for the Schema level Export Import using DATA PUMP
  4. Click here for Data Pump Homework.
  5. How to name, start, stop, kill an export job using Oracle Data Pump? --Moid
  6. Data Pump: How to check the status of Data Pump export? --Moid


  1. Batch-28: Classwork on Export Import | 02/08/15
  2. Batch-27: Class work on Export Import | 10-12-14
  3. Batch-27: Class work on Export Import | 10-25-14
  4. Batch-30: Class work on Export Import | 10/10/15
  5. Batch-30: Class work on Export Import | 10/11/15

--Moid Muhammad

Homework (Week-15) Row Chaining | Row Migration | Tablespace | Datafiles

Homework (Week-13) Database shutdown/startup, static/dynamic, monitoring Alert log changes --Moid

Homework (Week-14) Exercise on Segments, Extents and Blocks --Moid

Homework (Week-12) [Oracle Permissions, Grants, Privileges and Roles Exercise] --Moid

Homework (Week-9) [Oracle Client Side Networking Overview, Oracle Client Installation, Server Side Networking Overview] --Moid

My documents on Oracle Networking:
  1. Download Oracle 11g R2 Client for 32/64-bit Windows
  2. Download Oracle 12c R1 Client for 32/64-bit Windows
  3. Click here for 11g R2 Client Installation on Windows 7
  4. Click here for 12c R1 Client Installation on Windows 8
  5. How to deinstall Oracle 11g R2 Client from Windows 7?
  6. How to deinstall Oracle 12g R1 Client from Windows 8?
  7. How to deinstall Oracle 11g client from Linux?
  8. How to deinstall Oracle 11g R2 "DATABASE" from Windows 7?
  9. How to deinstall Oracle 11g R2 "DATABASE" from Windows 8?
  10. How to deinstall (uninstall) 12c database home from Linux?
  11. How to create a TNS Entry (Database Address / Connect Identifier) on the Oracle Client Machine using netca?
  12. On Linux - How to register database on a non-default listener?
  1. Click here for Class Notes on Client Side Networking
  2. Click here for Class Notes on Server Side Networking
  1. Click here for the "Server Side Networking" homework. 
  2. Click here for the "Client Side Networking" homework.


Homework (Week-11) [Install 11g R2 on 64-bit CentOS 5.6] --Moid

Homework (Week-12) [Part-1] [Listener Notes and Homework] --Moid

Homework (Week-8) [Oracle Dictionary / CASE & Decode / Joins / Sub-Queries] --Moid

Homework (Week-7) [Oracle View, Concatenation and Constraints] --Moid

Homework (Week-6) - [Select, DDL, DML, Views] --Moid

Homework (Week-5) [Select statements with conditions only] --Moid

  1. Batch-32: Week-5: Class Notes 03/05/16 and 03/06/16
  2. Document for Student Only: How to create a new schema and load tables?
  3. How to find the date format of Oracle Database Server?
  4. Week-5 Homework (SQL on select statements with conditions only)
  5. Oracle SQL Operators --Moid
  6. Oracle Functions --Moid

Please Note: Only my students has access to these document.


Homework Week-4 [SQL Part-1 Create Table and Insert Values]

Class work Part-1: [How to login to Database?]

Class work Part-2: [User Management]

Class work Part-3: [Class Notes - Create Table]

Class work Part-4 [Different Ways of Inserting data into a table]

How to spool SQL output to a file?

How to transfer files from Linux to Windows using WinSCP?

Your homework for week-4 is:
  1. Login to your database schema.
  2. Start spool.
    Spool output to  /home/oracle/SpooledFiles/Khan_A13_spool_file.log.
    Replace Khan_A13 with your schema name.
  3. Ceate and insert values in all tables mentioned on page 57, 58 and 58 in your book. Tables are also located at
  4. Turn off spool.
  5. Transfer file from Server-223 to your laptop using WinSCP.
  6. Send me the file from Step-5 from your email as attachment. 


As a final note, please be sure to save all the Create and insert statements into a notepad in your laptop. We will reusing the same code again to recreate the database objects.

--Moid Muhammad

Homework (Week-3) - grep, find, ssh, scp, awk, sed and vi editor


Click here for Classwork (Linux Commands)
Click here for Classwork (find Commands)
Click here for Classword (grep Commands)
Click here for Classwork (awk Commands)
Click here for Classwork (sed Command)

Click here for SSH & SCP Classwork
Click here for homework | Part-1


Click here for vi editor class notes.
Click here for homework | Part-2


Homework (Week-2) [UNIX Part-2]

Friday, October 7, 2011

Homework (Week-1) [Basics of Networking and Linux Part-1] --Moid

Basics of Networking:
Click here for the networking class notes.

Basics of Linux:
Click here for the Linux class notes
Click here for the homework on Linux Basics

--Moid MuhammadLink
